Everybody Wants to Feel Appreciated
Think about the job you hate the most. Did you feel unappreciated? Once I was transferring to a different Old Navy store after graduating college and moving. I was telling the new manager my strengths. For some reason she made me reinterview and it was one of the questions. Rather than listen, she flat out scoffed at me when I talked about my strength in cleaning. I found a new job that used my degree and never even started at that Old Navy.
People don’t like to be ridiculed, scoffed at, condescended. They want to be respected, valued, and appreciated. So…which does your Mr. feel?
It’s easy to focus on the negative. It’s the stuff that stands out. The things that are going right can be easily overlooked or taken for granted. For instance, I don’t notice that he dusted the ceiling fans. I just notice when they’re filthy. Humor and wit get overlooked. I do, however, notice and say something when he gets too sarcastic. See what I mean? It’s about perspective.
Practical Appreciation
That’s why I created this cute printable! And I’m sharing with you for free! I’ve grown really fond of lists lately. I’ve been using goal lists, time blocking lists, meal planning and grocery lists, all. the. lists! I love the Frixion pens that are erasable and even though I misread my own handwriting (my hubs calls it hieroglyphics!) there’s just something about putting a pen to paper that is so satisfying. You get it, right?
A method of goal setting (which is also an idea for boredom busters for couples) was introduced to me when I went to a GT conference as a high school teenager. The speaker suggested building a list of goals based on three things. Things you want to do, things you want to be, and things you want to have. Awwww lists. 😉 It obviously stuck with me.
I decided to apply these same categories to appreciating my man! Maybe that seems like a silly list to keep but hear me out. I think it’s important to keep a list of things you’re thankful for in general. It helps keep your perspective focused on thanks rather than the negative.
Cut these out and stash them in your wallet or kept as a full sheet in your daily journal. You can reprint a fresh one each week and look back over them at the end of the month or you can keep a running list that you add to once a day or so until full (not one thing a day, once a day).
Using these little lists helps me focus on my hub’s positive qualities and actions. It keeps thankfulness at the forefront of my mind and gives me plenty of reasons to give him verbal affirmation, respect, and show some appreciation. After all, don’t we have much to be thankful for?!
Download them, print them, and start looking for thankfuls to jot down! You know you love and value him! Now you’ll have a whole list of reasons to appreciate him for. He’ll feel the love!!
Have fun with it!

To get to know me better, read about me & my saved love.