Sometimes it CAN’T be ALL found on YouTube! *Gasp!* If your life’s dream is to learn how to play piano, cook the perfect steak, dance, or make slime YouTube is your homie. If you’re wanting all the knowledge about living life in God’s love there are a few more resources I’d like to share with you. Disclaimer – I spend a lot of time on YT. No judgments.
There are some really inspiring life resources for Christian Women out there. Sometimes I get a little worried that I’m going to get duped by some false teachers. Some expert out there is going to tell me that if I reeeeally love Jesus a mysterious envelope with fifty grand is going to show up in my mailbox. Ummm, no.
I’ve found the resources below are all based on scripture (in context). They inspire awe and love. Scriptural truth sparks soul searching and ignites desire to love God with everything you’ve got. Get your hands on some!
- ESV Journaling Bible – each page has actual blank space for jotting down notes and doodling! This I LAWV! I don’t have to write in tiny abbreviations to try to decipher later.
- NLT Study Bible – a translation that uses typical conversational style writing. No more thees and thous. It’s like reading a Buzz Feed article. Only it’s actually applicable to life. Study bibles are great all on their own anyways. I’ve highlight tons of footnotes that are great company to the actual scripture.
- Parallel Bible – two or more translations side by side for comparison! It’s amazing how reading the same thing in a different set of words can make such a huge difference but one translation you’ll skim and then BAM! Another will drive that point home – straight to your heart. Awesome-sauce.
Bible Studies
- Beth Moore – a quirky Texas woman who is passionate about teaching women to live beautifully biblical lives…and have good hair. I linked to one that I’ve personally taken and loved but she’s an author that I completely trust so take any and all of her studies! 😉
- Priscilla Shirer – Beth’s good friend and Dr. Tony Evan’s daughter, another well equipped woman sharing valuable life lessons tied directly to the word of God. Her Gideon study was incredible when it came to insecurities and trusting that God could use me, even with my weaknesses.
- Women Living Well – you know how much I love the Good Morning Girls highlighting and SOAK method! Check this post out for more about it. The journals aren’t a necessary purchase but I do recommend engaging with the Facebook group when studying with them.
- Radical by David Platt – a daring call to be radical all-in followers of Christ rather than comfortable Christians chasing the American dream.
- A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers – fictional accounts based on biblical history. The author puts the readers into the minds and lives of Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary, mother of Jesus. You can’t put it down once you start. Promise.
- The Village Church Sermons with Matt Chandler – You need to be able to give your attention to Matt. This is not one to listen to while multitasking. He speaks biblical wisdom at a fast pace so absorb as much of it as you can. Then go back and listen to it again.
- Churchome Sermons with Judah Smith – Judah’s personality is infectious and his points center around the hub of God’s love. His laugh and glasses are just as awesome his messages. Well, ok…not quite as awesome. But awesome.
- Proverbs 31 Ministries – the founder of Proverbs 31 Ministries Lysa TerKeurst occasionally appears on the podcast to teach from one of her books, which are all about pulling life lessons from the word of God.
Worship Music
- Jesus Culture – Kim Walker Smith has a soulful power house voice and will lead you well in worship
- Hillsong – yeah, you know ’em
- Bethel Music – Steffany Gretzinger’s voice is amazing, her worship style very spontaneous, and her zeal very apparent 🙂
- All Sons & Daughters – fill the air with the live version of Great Are You Lord
- The Digital Age – Hallelujah is a regular worship song at our house
- Crowder – because he is simply a musical genius
For all of these artists, songs, and even more check out my (yep!) YouTube channel. hashtag hypocrite.
Verse Cards
Scripture memorization is a great resource for applying the word of God to your everyday life. Many times, there’s not an allotted amount of time to dig for wisdom in your bible in the middle of a life situation. How about verses for everyday busy life? I just so happen to have ya covered! Really, I’m just sharing some that I use for life situations that seem to pop up quite frequently. I.e. I’m running late…again…and catching every. single. light.
Never. Stop. Learning.
The more you dive into these resources the more you learn about God. The more you learn about God your Maker, the more He reveals to you. The more He reveals the closer you become. And there is nothing more incredible than a close relationship with the Creator of Everything!
What are you still doing here?! Grab a journal and pen, jump over to these scripture studies, blare the worship music, and enjoy! Go! Go!

Well I guess if you’re still here you can get to know me better by reading about me and my saved love. But seriously, get ahold of some of those resources I just shared!
Pssst – YouTube actually has some pretty good sermons. What’re your fav christian life resources? Comment below!

Read Next:
- Advice on How to Identify False Teachings
- Easing Sunday Morning Frustrations; Fighting the Enemy for Your Sunday
- Learning from Eve’s Mistake; How Modern Day Women Can Deal with the Deadly Twist of Temptation
- “How to Study the Bible for Yourself” by Tim LaHaye; My Takeaways
- How to Study Your Bible on Your Own (in 3 Steps!)