There are moments when you look at what has been happening in life and are 100% certain that the God of the universe orchestrated those events just for you. One of my earlier posts, A Perspective Overwhelmed spurred me to look into all the different attributes of God in David’s Psalms. I marked all of the psalms that my Bible denoted were authored by David and was going to have another post ready that next week. Boy, was I naive (I’m not real great with time management lol)?! It took a LOT more time to go through the 58 psalms than I thought it would.
I did finally finish…and then…life hit with a storm. My grandmother got sick. God worked it out where I was able to stay a night with her in the hospital and be with her the next day when she took her last breath on this earth. The next few weeks were filled with planning and attending two memorial services and cleaning out her apartment. I loved that woman.
In the middle of that emotional roller coaster, we got the news that some close family members had decided to call it quits and divorce. My son adores the husband and it was really hard to explain the concept to our elementary age son and see the emotion in our kids’ faces.
Weeks later, it was discovered that a beloved young family member has the big C. How my heart breaks for her as she enters this uncertain time of her body not functioning properly and many medical procedures. I long to give her some of my strength, my health.
As I’ve struggled (and, yeah, kinda wallowed), God has constantly reminded me of what I read and the list of ALL that HE is and all that HE gives.
Attributes of God from David’s Psalms
- blessings
- shield
- rest
- sustainment
- salvation
- relief
- joy
- peace
- safety
- love
- steadfast love
- guidance
- protection
- favor
- grace
- healing
- deliverance
- listening
- accepting
- right
- righteous(ness)
- care
- dominion
- stronghold
- guard
- refuge
- council
- loyalty
- closures
- desires
- answers
- strength of soul
- rescue
- delight
- reward
- light (to the darkness)
- perfect
- security
- support
- help
- gentleness
- revival
- pure
- enlightenment
- forever
- true
- splendor
- majesty
- restoration
- comfort
- goodness
- mercy
- faithfulness
- friendship
- redemption
- preservation
- abundance
- life
- action
- inheritance
- uphold
- glory
- power
- atonement
- hope
- home
- prosperity
- provision
- cover
- justice
- forgiveness
- compassion
- kindness
- satisfaction
Orchestrated for me...and you
Why did I choose to look at David’s Psalms? Why was I all of a sudden fascinated with Psalm 5, 18, and then all of David’s psalms? I have no idea. It just worked out like that. I know who worked that out. 😉 The God who wove me together before my first breath knew exactly what my family was headed into. He orchestrated the study of this scripture to remind me that He is & gives these things for & to me. With this study fresh in my brain, I have been able to clearly see His sustainment, steadfast love, strength, splendor & majesty, power, and hope.
I guarantee you’re going through something right now in which you long to see and receive some of these. You need the closeness of God. He is close. He’s all of these things and so much more specifically for and to you just as for me. Does one attribute specifically jump off the page for you? I have no doubt God is handing that to you right now; reminding you of that specific attribute of His. Write it down. On your bathroom mirror, on the back of your hand, on a post-it by the front door or on your car dash. Then share with me below by leaving a comment with the attribute(s) that you are choosing to focus on right now and, as always, feel free to contact me if you’d like me to pray for you.
There will be storms in life during our time in this broken world. Let us focus on our God Almighty and all that He is and all that He gives.

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Rest, edutainment, Desiree, abundance 😁
Rest seems to be a favorite 😉
Age old, rest, and safety! Needed be reminded of that today!
Love it! Praying HIS rest and safety over you 🙂