Life gets busy. There’s work, bills, a house to clean, a baby to take care of, sleep…so many important things. Oh yeah, there’s a husband. But he’s a grown man, right? He can take care of himself. Pamper? Who has time to pamper?! Technically he’s supposed to take care of you, right?
Fortunately, you know better. Not only are you a dedicated wife, you go above and beyond to let your man know he is loved, adored, respected, admired, cherished. You’re practically fawning, right? Well, maybe not kissing the ground he walks on or idolizing him. But you are a wife that is good at pampering her man! Here are some of the ways you do it.
Ways to Pamper Your Man:
Early to rise
One of the ways you can pamper your man is by getting up early (also a characteristic of a Proverbs 31 woman) and getting after things that he holds important. Rather than staying in the warm cozy bed where you’d rather be. Let him sleep in. Wake him up with kisses. Get the kids ready. You can bring him a cup of coffee. Allow him to take a hot shower first. Give him a long, hot kiss goodbye.
You’re probably thinking “Duh!!”. But hear me out. We’re talking other than breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Above the essentials. The word pamper even has origins relating the word to “cram with food” LOL!
I like to have a food option out for my man when he walks through the door. An hors d’oeuvre of sorts. This can be a pot of coffee (I always text to see if he’s in the mood for it), a bowl of grapes, chips and salsa, a summer sausage and cheese platter. What are your man’s favorite snacks? Have something to snack on set out for him when he gets home.
Quiet Time
My man works hard all day at the hospital. What taxes your Mr. at work? Stress, heavy lifting, office politics? Recognize the burdens your husband carries during his 9-5 and look for hints on what he likes to do to destress. Would he like to go to the gym? Does he want to kick off his shoes, kick up his feet and watch the news? Pamper your man by making sure he has some quiet time doing something to decompress after working hard to provide for your family.
Now, it’s worth saying. I am not suggesting you turn a blind eye to a lazy-at-home husband and I want to warn you against resentment toward your man in this area. Communication is key. Recognize that he needs to decompress, pamper him by prioritizing that, and communicate your have needs or expectations.
Never underestimate the value of a good back rub. Does he like lotion? What technique feels the best for him? Where does he hurt? Become a skilled masseuse and your husband will be the best pampered man on the block.
It’s no secret that rubbing a man’s back or showing him physical affection is prone to get him all worked up. And I’d be neglectful if I wrote an article on pampering your husband without mentioning intimate affection. We’ve got this! Remember that you are the only woman that will fulfill this need. Please don’t make your husband go without. It is detrimental to your marriage. Pamper & spoil your man in the bedroom. I know it’s hard. I won’t go into that here but let me encourage you to read these related posts:
You know, looking at these ways to pamper your husband…they all speak love in one of the five love languages. Getting up early and having extra food prepared for your husband are both acts of service. There’s physical touch. I would even say quiet time would translate to quality time. If you don’t know yours or your Mr.’s love language, head over to Gary Chapman’s site and take the quiz.
Know your husband’s love language and it’s going to make pampering him even easier! Gary’s bestselling book The Five Love Languages is cram packed with practical ways to pamper your man in his primary love language. You can also head to this post for some more Practical Ways to Speak His Love Language.
Good for you for pampering your man! Society puts a negative spin on the term “spoiled” but we want to be spoiled by our husbands and our husbands should be spoiled by us!
Comment below – how do you pamper your husband?
Cheers to being a good wife!

To get to know me better, read about me and my saved love.

Read Next:
- Fun Text Messages for Him – Quick Messages to Your Man to Make Him Smile
- Habits of A Loving Woman
- 10 Things to Tell Yourself when Marriage is Hard
- You Do This & He’ll Feel Loved; Practical Ways to Truly Speak His Love Language
- Alarmed at How Hard it is to Communicate with Your Spouse? How to Improve Communication in Marriage
Pingback: Pamper Your Man – RetroStank
Thank you so much.. this just saved my marriage
This post is awesome. It has really showed me the small things I’ve overlooked when it comes to spoiling my husband.
Thank you!