Marriage is not always easy. There are wonderful, exciting seasons of marriage and there are seasons of hard, hard struggle. I have seen far too many couples hit a hard season and call it quits. If you’ve gone through a hard season and come out on the other end then you can testify to the high value lessons learned and the rock solid strength that the hard time taught you. You know the ole’ saying. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
But, let’s be honest. In the middle of those hard seasons it completely sucks! You don’t want to hear what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!! You feel like it is killing you! Well, I’m not going to say…well, you know…but I am going to give you a few things that you can tell yourself when marriage is in a hard season and you need to remember that it will end and that you can get through it.
Tell Yourself these 10 Things
- This is a temporary season that we will get over with effort and love.
2. My man has a good heart and a good will and I will look beyond his actions.
3. I will communicate my feelings and perspective without using words that accuse him.
4. I will not make any major decisions while in this state of funk.
5. Marriage is hard. Just because it’s hard right now doesn’t mean its doomed.
6. We will have at least one happy moment today. We can make that happen.
7. We are building love right now rather than relying on being “in” love.
8. I know my husband loves me and in the bottom of my heart I love him as well.
9. We can work this out. It may take time. It may take help. But we can do it.
10. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. Or reread your personal wedding vows.
Hard seasons in marriage are no fun whatsoever. You need all the encouragement you can get and I hope you use these ten affirmations for strength, endurance, and hope.
Look for the light,

To get to know me better, read about me & my saved love.
Forming an attitude of gratefulness can tremendously ease hard seasons. Use these printables as a tool to keep thankfulness at the front of your mind. XOXO

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